Government to harness the power of AI to improve public project delivery

The Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) published a new framework on Wednesday (20th March) which sets out how AI will be harnessed to boost productivity in public project delivery.

The framework enables civil servants working on over £805bn of public projects to utilise AI to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their delivery.

The guidance encourages responsible experimentation with AI to find solutions to the biggest challenges in public projects.

The IPA will work with cross-government AI leaders to oversee a series of innovative pilots.

The most successful experiments will have the potential to be rolled out to optimise performance.

Under the new framework, the upskilling of project delivery professionals in data analytics and AI will also be accelerated to help tackle issues like overspend and delays.

The report also recommends that barriers to sharing data are removed where appropriate, by developing common standards, infrastructure and processes, so that the potential of new technology can be realised.

Karina Singh, director of function, insights and profession at the IPA, said: “The use of advancing technologies, especially AI, is a topic of broad and current interest.

“This paper cuts through the noise to provide a framework of actions we can use to experiment with and upskill project delivery professionals to get the most out of this fast-moving development.”

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