Bellway starts work on 815-home Ipswich site

Bellway has begun work on a 815-unit development outside Ipswich.

Detailed planning permission was gained for this first phase, for 198 homes, at Westerfield Grove in the summer.

The development is within the Fonnereau Neighbourhood in the Ipswich Garden Suburb.

For this first phase, Bellway is constructing one and two-bedroom apartments, as well as two, three and four-bedroom houses.

Three landscaped green corridors feature in this design, providing residents a community park with a play area, BMX track and cycle parking. Over 160 trees and 150 species of plants and shrubs are being planted on the site.

Of these 198 homes, 22 will be designated as affordable with 53 built as accessible and adaptable.

The first homes are expected to go on sale in summer 2025 with the first completions to take place later in 2026.

“Westerfield Grove has been designed to bring exceptionally high standards for placemaking to Ipswich Garden Suburb,” said Philip Standen, managing director for Bellway Essex.

“In line with the masterplan for the wider delivery of 3,500 homes, Bellway will create a sustainable, eco-friendly community of high-quality homes. These will be connected by green open spaces, ranging from tranquil natural parkland to a more active focus in the community play areas.”

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