Peritus Corporate Finance and DFT

DFT and Peritus to host upcoming live webinar on new permitted development rights

Peritus Corporate Finance and Development Finance Today are set to co-host a live online discussion on the recently extended permitted development rights.

In an effort to realise the government’s ‘build, build, build’ manifesto, legislation has been amended to allow upward extensions to existing houses as a new permitted development right (PDR). 

An additional PDR has been introduced to enable the demolition of vacant buildings within certain use classes to make way for the construction of purpose-built flats or detached houses. 

While we will not see the full effects of the changes yet (as both only came into force in August), there has been criticism in the wider market that the policy extension may result in poor quality stock, and environmental campaigners are preparing to challenge the new rules in court. 

The webinar, entitled ‘New permitted development rights: A green light to build, build, build?’ and moderated by DFT’s managing director, Caron Schreuder, will feature Stene Jacobs, operations director at Peritus; Laith Mubarak, acquisitions director at Click Above; Gill Eaton, planning associate at Iceni Projects; Brendan Geraghty, director at Geraghty Taylor; and Anita Kasseean, legal director at Blake Morgan.

The panel will discuss how useful these changes are in facilitating accelerated housing provision, whether there are adequate safeguards in place to prevent sub-standard homes being built, the handling of competing rights, and their predictions on what the net outcome of these reforms will be.  

The free webinar can be streamed live on Microsoft Teams from 11am on Friday, 11th September, via this link.

Speaking ahead of the event, Laith highlighted that PDR essentially provide an ‘in principle’ agreement to proceed with projects. 

“The need for more homes is acute and where an opportunity to increase the size, or change the purpose, of an existing building occurs, it would appear prudent to do so if it creates no adverse effect. 

“Contrary to popular belief, the new PDR [do] not mean that planning requirements are bypassed.”

Stene commented: “After much hype in the media, we are aiming to see if these changes — designed to revitalise construction and development in the UK — [will] in fact positively assist the process. 

“I’m eager to hear perspectives on this, not only from a construction and development point of view, but also how these changes have altered the approach from a planning, architectural and legal standpoint. 

“There will definitely be some useful insights, especially for SME developers who are currently active in this space.”  


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