The planned EPC-A rated development will be 50% affordable housing

Bargate Homes forwards proposals for Hampshire 'EPC-A rated' scheme

Bargate Homes has submitted a reserved matters planning application for 90 new EPC-A rated homes in Pennington, Hampshire.

The development proposals include a mix of one-, two-, three- and four- bedroom homes in the New Forrest District, each to feature an air source heat pump, electric vehicle charging port, and solar PV panels.

The application also plans to allocate 50% of the homes for affordable housing — which will be delivered on behalf of the owner of Bargate Homes, VIVID — to cater for the residential needs of the local area via shared ownership, as well as affordable and social rent.

The majority of the planned site consists of two-storey houses with the apartments being situated in low rise two and a half- and three-storey buildings.

Chalet bungalows and one-and a half-storey houses have been introduced along the eastern boundary to respect the scale of the existing dwellings surrounding the site.

The site framework plan responds to existing trees and landscaping, preserving habitats and delivering a 10% biodiversity net gain.

A range of parking solutions has also been considered to ensure the site is not car dominated.

Mark White, MD at Bargate Homes, said: “We are very pleased to have submitted a reserved matters planning application, following outline planning permission being granted by New Forest District Council earlier this year.

“This is a prime site within Pennington and the ideal location for our first EPC-A rated development, which will be a major investment.”


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